Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mommy's Here!

Hurray! She got here last Thursday. I went out to go potty and I saw her. I was so happy I almost started crying! She was so happy to see me too. I just wanted to touch her. Ellie was happy too and stole some of my attention.

We've moved into an apartment. I miss Grandma and Grandpa and Ellie. They all miss me too! I've visited a few times--Grandpa's always happy to see me, even though he doesn't like to show it. I think I will see them again today--I think Mommy is going to someplace called Florida and she's not going to take me. :(

Last night something scary happened--a big Yorkie came after me! He was growling and grabbed me because his Mommy and Aunt gave ME a treat. They rescued me, though. Mommy and the other girl gave me veggies and held me. I was happy. I liked going to their house, as long as Buster the Yorkie stays away from me--he's three times my size!

The one thing I'm not happy about is that Mommy locks me in the kitchen when she goes to work. I don't like this at all!! At least I get a walk at least twice a day.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

I miss my Mommy!

I haven't seen my mommy since March 27th when she sent me to Grandma's house with Aunt Kat. I miss her. I was having a grand ole' time until this past Monday--when I got a hair cut and a visit to the vet where he poked and proaded. I haven't been myself since. I want to see her again. Where is she? I also miss Carrie (and all her veggies!). Grandma keeps saying Mommy's coming this week--something about moving. I can't wait to see her! I wonder what's going to happen when she gets here. Are we going back to my house? Are we staying here? Are we going some place new?

I do like this big back yard I have now. And Ellie is fun--when she's not scared of me. Ellie is another Yorkie just like me, except she's old. I want to play with her--but she won't play. She runs from me. Sometimes she wants to play with her sock, but only with a person. I want to play with her--it could be fun. Maybe she'll warm up to me...

On another note...aren't I cute? This is my new haircut!

Okay, I should go. Grandpa got back yesterday, so maybe I can get him to play with me! If not, I'll just work some more on my memoirs.

Till we meet again.....Arf!